Vitamin capsule B12 on the wooden table. 3D rendering

Vitamin B12 Dosage: How Much Should You Take Per Day?

Vitamins are essential towards regulating many of the body’s activities. As human beings grow older, it becomes more difficult to absorb some minerals and vitamins, which could lead to disorders such as poor immunity and reduced hemoglobin concentration. This could in turn worsen problems such as brain dysfunction, nerve damage and deterioration of intestinal function.…

What You Need To Know About Senior Rehabilitation Centers

What You Need To Know About Senior Rehabilitation Centers

Do you have a relative who has recently been discharged from the hospital and seeking senior rehabilitation centers? There are various rehabilitation centers you can choose from—from assisted living to skilled nursing homes to home-based care. However, when selecting a senior rehabilitation center for your loved one, choose one that is safe and will help…

What Are The Advantages Of Short-Term Rehabilitation For Seniors?

What Are The Advantages Of Short-Term Rehabilitation For Seniors?

  Most doctors recommend short-term rehabilitation for those recovering from an unexpected injury or a planned surgery. While short-term rehabilitation is ideal before you go home, most seniors will refuse to get admitted to a short-term rehabilitation center, more so if they have strong support at home. Still, it’s best to follow your physician’s recommendation,…