As you already may or may not know, gardening is one of the best activities for older adults. Not only does it provide you with an opportunity to stay physically engaged, but it also brings about many mental health benefits. As such, it should come as no surprise that many retirement communities, such as Discovery Village At Twin Creeks, highly recommend residents try their hand at gardening. As we’re currently in spring, why not take this time to explore the world of gardening? If you’re new, fret not, as we’ve provided all the tips and tricks of spring gardening in this post.
Steps to Start a Spring Garden
Starting a spring garden is a great way to add more color and vibrancy to your home or apartments. What’s more, by planting your own vegetables, you can also look forward to consuming your very own fresh produce that’s free of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. As such, a spring garden is one of the best ways to encourage a cleaner diet filled with fruits and vegetables. Listed below is a step-to-step guide on how to plant your spring garden:
- Purchase Quality Seeds
Quality seeds can go a long way to ensure a successful garden, and they do not necessarily have to come with a hefty price tag, contrary to popular belief. Just head to your nearest local discount store, where you may find inexpensive seeds that work decently for your garden. If you’re looking to purchase only organic seeds, then you have a wide range of organic and heirloom seeds to choose from. Since this is a spring garden, look for spring plants, such as lettuce, basil, cucumbers, and spring radishes.
- Prepare the Soil for Gardening
When it comes to gardening, nothing is more important than making sure the soil is well-prepped. After you have transferred the potting soil from its bag to a large container, you’ll want to weed and till your garden plot before adding a good fertilizer like homemade compost. In addition, make sure to include proper drainage to allow sufficient air for the roots, which is crucial for the plants to grow.
- Check for Good Weather
This is when you have to pay attention to the weather forecast. Once the weather is above 55 degrees for a consistent period of time, you can set your seedlings outside and place them either into containers or your garden plot. If the weather is too cold, your plants will not have an ideal environment to grow and may even be ruined.
- Water and Fertilize Regularly
Now that your plants are all planted, it’s now time for you to care for them daily. While commercial fertilizers are convenient and readily available everywhere, you should do some research and consider using alternatives instead. For example, homemade compost is a safe and reliable fertilizer that helps plants grow faster and stronger. When it comes to watering your plants, this depends on what plants you own. Some plants require more water and sunlight, while others may not. However, in general, most plants require watering on a consistent basis in order to grow well.