Do you work in an independent living community? Perhaps you know someone who does, or you have a loved one living in a retirement community. The atmosphere provided by these communities offers numerous benefits to those in their golden years. There are increased opportunities for socialization, a feeling of strength and safety in numbers, nutritious and delicious meals served three times a day, and much more.
One way to initiate and keep up a healthy lifestyle for retirement community residents is to concentrate on fitness and health. The more these types of communities promote health and fitness, the healthier their residence will likely be. Here, we are going to offer a number of healthy activities that should be considered by the activity director in a retirement community, occupational therapists, administrators, nursing professionals, etc.
Promote/Provide Exercise Programs
Whether it is an all-out exercise routine, or something as low-key as a sit-and-be-fit program, the important thing is to move. Even just taking a walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day will be an improvement over sitting on the couch.
Many of today’s retirement communities offer exercise programs that are fun, stimulating, and age appropriate.
Provide Nutritious Meals
Chef-prepared meals are served in many of today’s retirement communities. These are made with the recommended serving sizes, nutrients, and vitamins appropriate for retirement age individuals in mind. What’s more, dietary restrictions are always taken into consideration. Eating healthy is a good step toward being healthy.
Encourage Family Participation
Retirement communities should encourage friends and family to come and participate in some of the activities their retirement age friends and loved ones are taking part in. This can include being a guest during mealtime, attending a celebration with their loved one/friend, as well as exercising with them side-by-side.
Recommend Appropriate Workout Clothing
Exercising in constrictive clothing is a bad idea. Stretchy or loose-fitting, but not baggy clothing should be worn. It could even be a nice opportunity for an outing if you take your loved one to shop for a special exercise outfit.
Incorporate Community Events
Your community may provide programs and activities that will be held in health facilities, houses of worship, recreation centers, etc. Residents can make new friends and participate in these activities as a special day out.
Encourage Residents To Get Physical Exams
Not every resident of a retirement community can participate in exercises at the same level. It’s important to encourage residents to get a physical exam to determine what level of exercise will be appropriate for each person. A wellness checkup, if you will. Exercise related injuries will be fewer this way.
Stretching Exercises
An increased level of fitness can be enjoyed simply by performing stretches, so they should be encouraged. This is particularly the case for retirement age individuals who have been diagnosed with arthritis.
Independent Living is Available at Our Retirement Community
Thanks to our Dimensions Health and Fitness program and more, there’s always something to do in our community. This helps keep residents enjoying our independent living plan and staying mentally sharp and physically fit. Residents here can watch movies with friends, create crafts, go to a dance, get in a bit of cardio, or do as they please – all in a resort-like setting. Our retirement community regularly schedules events including celebrations, parties, and more to provide stimulating opportunities for socialization.
Would you like to discuss sales and leasing with a representative? If so, you can phone us at 561.287.6743. With other questions, please phone 561.202-9866. You can also open the lines of communication by filling out and sending in our contact form.
Take time to check out our amazing community. Schedule a tour today.