Regardless of age, everybody will have feelings of anxiousness whenever the topic of change or “the unknown” is brought up. Our brains trick us into thinking that we are only functionally working if we have full control of our lives, but truth be told there are many factors that we are not able to get control over. This anxiety can potentially increase and be more stressful when we mature, as more aspects become uncontrollable, such as our cognitive and physical abilities. Having a daily routine especially in our older years will significantly help us to gain some sort of control over ourselves, particularly in the emotional and psychological sense. Here are three reasons why having daily routines for mature adults are important.
Firstly, let us talk about the meaning of daily routines. These routines mean that you have a set of things to do at the same time every day. It structures your day and provides a natural flow that is easy to follow. When creating a routine, be sure that it revolves around the things that they currently do so that there are fewer adjustments to be done on their end. The aim is to structure your day more and reduce the unpredictability of your day, so do not force yourself to keep to a rigid routine.
Anxiety and Stress Levels Will Decrease
People who feel that they do not have control over their lives do feel constantly stressed and anxious. They may be disoriented and even go into flight or fight mode to cope with the stress of unpredictability. This happens more often in people who have significant impairment physically or cognitively. Those who become dependent on a caregiver can also feel these emotions as they no longer know if their needs are being met, which adds more stress on them. By having a routine, you know exactly what you are doing and with whom. You also know how and when the activity will be carried out. The more you do it, the activities become muscle memory and you no longer have to worry about the next step or activity, which will reduce stress and anxiety.
Makes You Feel Safer and More Secure
Although surprise gifts are great, surprise events or uncertainty are not received the same. Not knowing what you will do next leaves you feeling vulnerable against the harshness of the world, and that is not the best feeling in the world. By having a daily routine, you feel more secure and grounded as you know what activities you will be doing the whole day. It also helps with memory and other cognitive aspects.
Better Quality of Sleep
A routine also helps you to sleep better at night! Some studies have found that doing your activities at the same time every day will help with sleep quality, leaving you more refreshed and energetic in the morning! As many mature adults find it difficult to sleep well at night, a daily routine will help.