The risk of dementia can be influenced by advanced age, genetics, and ethnicity. These are not changeable, which means they cannot be altered.
Fortunately, your family does not have to battle dementia alone if a loved one has already been diagnosed. For family caregivers, caring for a loved one with dementia can be difficult. Families can benefit in a variety of ways from expert at-home care, such as dementia care provided by Discovery Commons At College Park. Nutrition is crucial for everyone, but it is especially critical for adults of advanced age. Dementia carers keep our loved ones safe and comfortable at home by preparing the right meals, limiting wandering, offering cognitive stimulation, and assistance with daily tasks.
The good news is that another important risk factor for dementia is one that you can control – eating habits.
Processed Food
Processed meats include favorites like bacon, prosciutto, deli meats, luncheon meat, and sausages. The problem is that they usually include excess fat, sodium, and nitrosamines. High-fat diets cause high levels of LDL cholesterol, which clogs blood arteries and prevents nutrient-rich blood flow to the brain. Salt sensitivity affects many people in their golden years, resulting in fluid retention and elevated blood pressure. Proper vascular and brain function are also harmed by the physiological impacts. For many of our loved ones, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems are common ailments.
Butter and margarine are frequently used in cooking and as spreads. They do, however, contain significant quantities of hydrogenated or unsaturated fat, which raise LDL cholesterol levels. Through the formation of plaques in blood arteries, high cholesterol obstructs blood circulation. As a result, the brain is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Fats have also been linked to an increase in beta-amyloid protein levels in the brain. Many sticky proteins bond together, interfering with neuron transmission and blood flow in the neural network.
Complex Carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates include baked products, rice, sugar, and pasta. They drastically raise blood sugar levels when digested, causing inflammation. To combat this, the pancreas must also react by rapidly increasing insulin levels. Insulin levels that are too high have a deleterious impact on brain cells, which can lead to glucose intolerance. Cells can suffer from hunger and perish if neurons prevent insulin and glucose from entering the brain. There are also high fat and sugar levels in baked goods and other processed meals, which affect the heart and lungs by stimulating plaque development and inflammation.
Sugary Drinks
It is a known fact that sugary beverages are detrimental to one’s mental health. Those who consume sugary drinks on a daily basis have a considerably increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia-related illnesses. Even sugar substitutes like aspartame have been related to Alzheimer’s disease. A refreshing alternative to soda is sparkling water with a few slices of fruits for flavor.
Beer is made from nitrates, which are part of the nitrosamine family of chemicals. Nitrosamines are known to cause DNA damage, resulting in the death of fragile neurons and the onset of dementia. In addition to preventing dementia, reducing alcohol intake can reduce the risk of stroke as well.