Sarcopenia is a disease where patients gradually lose their musculoskeletal mass as well as the associated functions. Any muscle mass that is lost can easily lead to reduced mobility and strength. This is more likely to affect older adults, though it is not necessarily something that every adult will experience. The development of the disease can also be affected by other health conditions.
Symptoms of Sarcopenia
The main symptom of sarcopenia is a loss of stamina which is related to musculoskeletal weakness. This can lead to a reduced level of physical activity that can lead to further loss of muscle, perpetuating a vicious cycle. The primary thing to look out for is gradual loss or overall low muscle mass or shrinkage.
Causes of Sarcopenia
The primary reason for sarcopenia is generally due to gradual aging over time. Our bodies contain motor neurons that send signals to the brain to process movement and muscle fiber development. However, over time, they start to die, and this will cause the muscle fiber to start to deteriorate, otherwise known as atrophy. This, and protein deficiency and/or hormonal changes, will eventually result in sarcopenia.
Ways to Prevent Sarcopenia
It is possible to delay the progression of sarcopenia, or even fully prevent from contracting sarcopenia. Here are some methods to try.
- Take part in strength training exercises: Maintaining an active lifestyle can release hormones that will help boost muscle growth and strength. This can be easily done at home with weight substitutes like tinned foods or water bottles. Patients can always start slow, using weights suited to their fitness level. As strength is built up over time, the weights can be adjusted according to higher fitness levels.
- Consume more protein: In order to build and maintain muscles, it is important to have sufficient nutrition to do so. Dietary protein is crucial for older people, especially for those who are exercising. This can come from sources like beef, chicken, dairy products, and turkey.
- Increase vitamin D intake: Vitamin D is important for muscles to work properly as it is used when processing proteins. As it can be absorbed from direct exposure to the sun, patients need to get some sun exposure every now and then.
- Have sufficient sleep: Sleep is another important aspect of an activity-filled life. Not only is it important for the body to rest and repair itself, but it is also crucial to prevent daytime sleepiness and becoming overtired.
Live Healthily and Happily at Discovery Village At Deerwood
Here at Discovery Village at Deerwood, we believe that everyone should be able to do the things they love, even if they are coping with age-related issues or health conditions. In our assisted living community, we understand that it can be hard to balance specialized care with doing what we want. This is why we have exclusive senior living programs that help older adults enjoy fun and interesting events and activities to achieve a more holistic sense of wellness.
For more information on our housing options, living programs, or amenities, contact our team today and we will assist you further.