The aging process can be frightening, and for a lot of our loved ones, the unknown is the hardest aspect. This rings true, especially if their talents are becoming increasingly tested, either physically or cognitively. Many older adults require some sort of routine or structure in their days. They may feel uneasy when they do not have structure. As a result, having a regular pattern they can rely on helps them feel safe in the face of uncertainty. A constant pattern is also helpful for the person who is caring for the older adult because everyone knows what is going to happen next.
A solid schedule for your loved one is repeating similar routines at roughly a similar time of the day. This not only makes the day go more smoothly, but it also guarantees that key tasks, such as taking medication, having meals, and hygiene practices, are completed without fail.
A typical morning routine might include waking up at a predetermined time, going to the restroom, cleaning teeth, getting ready, and eating breakfast, the timing at which their morning prescription would be taken, along with their morning cup of coffee or juice.
As you plan the routine, you should also aim to create one that is as simple and predictable as possible. This is so that your loved ones do not have to guess what will happen next. This arrangement will make your loved one feel secure.
A scheduled daily regimen benefits elders in the following ways:
Good Sleep
A consistent pattern promotes better and more restful sleep. Older adults who follow a regimen are more healthy and feel more well-rested. Because many of our loved ones struggle with getting enough sleep, establishing a regular pattern is a very effective strategy to help.
Sensing Safety and Security
Older adults frequently dislike being shocked by events that disrupt their routine. A daily schedule gives them a sense of control over their day. Everything feels steadier if the events throughout the day are familiar to them. This is most relevant if the patient has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. These patients will feel considerably more assured as a result of the daily structure.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Older adults who have suffered from cognitive issues such as a stroke are frequently stressed and concerned. They may be concerned about being burdensome, especially to their caretakers. One of the most effective strategies to cope with this issue is to assist them in anticipating what is to come.
Having routines throughout the day reduces tension and anxiety significantly. Writing down the schedule might also be beneficial so that they can be sure that they understand what’s coming next.
Remember that establishing a regular routine improves the quality of life of older adults significantly. Of course, there will be times when illness or unusual events will disrupt the schedule, so always leave room for flexibility.