Old man playing football

Five Tips For Keeping Seniors Active And Healthy

As people age, they may become less active and exercise significantly lesser than they did when they were younger. This might be due to aches and pains that cause mobility issues, or because they are experiencing social isolation and have little to no friends to exercise with. Keeping fit is important as it enables aged…

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Senior fitness man doing workout outdoors

Cardio Exercise: Three Safety Tips For Your Age

As you age, you may find it harder to engage in the same forms of exercise you were used to when you were younger. There are many reasons for this – for one thing, with age comes reduced muscle mass and a lower maximum heart rate. While there is definitely a need to adjust your…

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Happy elder woman working in her garden

Safe Gardening Tips For Seniors

If you are an aged adult with a green thumb or have a loved one who takes pleasure in gardening, you are probably aware of the numerous physical and mental health benefits. Gardening is an activity that can help older individuals retain muscle strength, reduce the risk of depression, and develop a more positive attitude…

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Mature friends looking at the smartphone screen.

Being A Good Neighbor: What To Do In Your Community

Any living environment is shaped by the people who live with and near you: your neighbors. Developing a good relationship and even becoming friends can go a long way in improving your quality of life and ensuring that every day is enjoyable. There are many things you can do to be a good neighbor in…

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An elderly man drives a car and drinks alcohol while driving

Four Factors That Affect Driving Ability In Seniors

Older drivers are regarded to be some of the safest drivers, as they always wear their seat belts and drive without intentional impairment. However, with aging comes physical and cognitive changes, medications, and health conditions beyond our control that can compromise one’s ability to drive safely. Making regular assessments of the driving ability in aged…

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